Watershed Additions

All the examples below can be seen in action here: Ventura County Website.

1. Add Garden Tours that feature Run-off or Permeable Surface concerns:

Garden Tour Examples

2. Add Soil and Compost plus IPM messages under all the garden images.

Garden Images

3. Place all three sets revolving of messages on the Landing Page Message panel.

Revolving messages

4. Add Fact Sheets to the Main Menu.

Add Fact Sheets to the main menu

5. Add Fact Sheets for Permeable Surfaces and Run-off concerns.

Permeable Surfaces

6. Create hot links on the garden images that give a brief roll over statement and lead to the full fact sheet with a click.

Create hotlinks

7. Insert hot link bubble text to tell the watershed story from the garden images.

Hotlink to text bubbles

8. Add or enhance a dry creek bed gallery and a permeable surfaces picture gallery.

Dry creek bed gallery